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Area Medical Store Lights Up

Area Medical Store Lights Up


Area Medical Store Lights Up

calendar_today 23 August 2023

Man standing next to light pole with solar panel on top.
Mr Pokapon with the newly installed solar light at Lae Area Medical Store.

The United Nations Population Fund has provided 14 solar lights to the Lae Area Medical Store (AMS) in Morobe Province to improve the security of the medical supplies warehouse.

The Lae AMS team managed to successfully set up the lights at the warehouse with two flat lights around the yard and the two security lights on the roof of the warehouse. The remaining lights will be set up inside the warehouse storage space.

According to the Acting Assistant Manager Mr. Lukey Pokapon, it has been almost a decade since the Lae AMS had proper working lights.

“It has been close to 10 years since we had proper lights in and around the warehouse and it has been a security risk for the team and the medicine suppliers stored here,” Mr. Pokapon shared.

The Area Medical Store in Lae, Morobe Province is responsible for medicine supply and distribution for almost 200 Health facilities in Morobe Province and four other catchment provinces; Eastern Highlands, Madang, Manus, and the Northern Province.

“We have had incidents of several break-ins into the property,” shared Mr Pokapon. “With no lighting in the area, common thieves have stolen supplies and have left unseen. This is not good, especially when we have essential medical supplies for five provinces stored here.”

The AMS works closely with the United Nations Population Fund, through its Reproductive Health Commodities Supply Chain team, for procuring of these commodities and storing them at the warehouse.

“We receive support from UNFPA and they are our good partners. So I told them of the situation of the no lights in the AMS last year,” Mr. Pokapon added.

“Through their positive response, we now have four street solar lights. The two we have mounted on the roof provide light from the AMS onto the streets around AMS ensuring that there is no room for any theft, helping the guards that monitor the area.”

Mr. Pokapon expressed his gratitude towards UNFPA for recognising the need and responding. Although it may seem small in gesture, it has a lasting effect.

The remaining 10 lights will be set up before the year ends.

“To install these 10 solar lights inside the warehouse, we need a qualified electrician to do that and we have engaged one already,” said Mr Pokapon. “We should have a fully lit-up warehouse before the year ends, but for now, we are more than happy that our yard is fully lit up!”

UNFPA’s work with the Lae AMS is part of the organisation’s work in strengthening reproductive health commodity supply chains, ensuring that medicines and devices are available when and where they are needed in health facilities around the country. In addition to procuring reproductive health commodities, UNFPA works in partnership with the National Department of Health to provide inventory management training for health facility staff responsible for managing stock levels of essential medicines to improve logistics between the Area Medical Store and health facilities.

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