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HealthFest 2023: Investing for a Healthier Future

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HealthFest 2023: Investing for a Healthier Future

calendar_today 23 June 2023

location_onSir John Guise Stadium, Port Moresby

HealthFest 2023: Investing for a Healthier Future
HealthFest 2023

HealthFest is a vibrant, public event brings together industry experts, practitioners, and advocates to speak on some of the least spoken-about health topics in PNG, from sexual and reproductive health to the increasing incidence of lifestyle diseases. Together we will examine the investments that must be made now to realise a healthier future for PNG.

Featured discussions include:

  • 2050: The Investment Case for Maternal, Reproductive, and Child Health
  • Pathways to Family Planning
  • GBV, SARV, and its Psychosocial Impacts
  • Men's Sexual Health and the Impacts of 'Cobra Head'
  • Lifestyle Diseases and Promoting Health-Seeking Behaviours
  • Health Supply Chains and Commodity Security

UNFPA's dedicated Youth Stage features interactive sessions including:

  • Fact or Fiction quizzes on menstrual hygiene, immunisation, and contraception
  • Answering PNG's Most Asked STI Questions: Using Google Trends data to explore what young people are asking online
  • Bodyright: Owning Your Image Online

This event also features two pop-up clinics hosted by Marie Stopes PNG and the Family Health Association, along with a blood donation drive and diabetes testing hosted by CPL, and HIV hosted by UNAIDS. 

Over 20 organisations and companies will be exhibiting their information and services at HealthFest, inviting guests to explore the many health services that are available in Moresby and around the country.

UNFPA is proud to support our partners in bringing these services to more consumers and to advancing the conversation on strategic investments in health interventions.