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UNFPA 7th CPD Indicators and Deliverables by NGOs and Indicative Resources, 2024-2028 (2nd Call) 

UNFPA 7th CPD Indicators and Deliverables by NGOs and Indicative Resources, 2024-2028 (2nd Call) 


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For NGOs accredited by the Government of PNG to operate in PNG: UNFPA 7th CPD Indicators and Deliverables by NGOs and Indicative Resources, 2024-2028 (2nd Call) UNFPA PNG CO Support to the Government of PNG, 2024-2028

2nd Round IP Call 

Output 4. By 2028, the capacity of key stakeholders to transform social and gender norms is strengthened to promote non-discriminatory practices, support positive attitudes of service providers and promote access to SRH, GBV and SARV protection and services. 

Output Indicator 2. Proportion of stakeholders in provinces in target priority areas with evidence-based gender responsive and/or gender-transformative activities, including but not limited to community mobilization approaches, value-based dialogues, edutainment, youth-led campaigns, etc. towards eliminating discriminatory social and gender norms, stereotypes and practices, as well as GBV and SARV 

4.2.1 Conduct a mapping exercise of existing PNG youth and women’s organisations working on WPS and YPS, including capacity needs/gaps: 2024-2025 USD 90,000

4.2.4 Launch a comprehensive public awareness campaign aimed at combating hate speech directed towards women, particularly in the context of peace and security efforts: 2024-2025 USD 80,000 

Additional indicators under the Joint Programme Post-Referendum Bougainville Project: 2024 

Support messaging on peacebuilding and key issues of importance for communities (including displacement-affected communities) through existing and new mechanisms (with NGO) USD 40,000 

Implement specific activities aimed at building the understanding and capacities of women and young people to understand and engage in the Post-Referendum processes (with NGO) USD30,000 

Continue implementation of community dialogues with young people USD69,827 

Use relevant cultural and sporting events for targeted discussion sessions on the BPA, post-Referendum and the future political status of Bougainville USD 30,000