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Request for Proposals: Event Management for HealthFest 2023

Request for Proposals: Event Management for HealthFest 2023


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UNFPA hereby solicits a quotation for the following service:

“Provision of Events Management Support, Logistics and Volunteers for the Health Expo, June 2023”

UNFPA requires the provision of Events Management Support for the Health Expo for June, 2023. This one  day event management includes technical set up of area, sound systems, screens and the management of our volunteers which includes their transportation and catering.  The events company must ensure that the health expo is creatively staged and managed. This event is tentatively scheduled for Sir John Guise Stadium in the second week of June but this is subkect to change. 

This Request for Quotation is open to all legally-constituted companies that can provide the requested service and have legal capacity to deliver in the country, or through an authorized representative.

Please see RFQ linked above for full requirements and terms and conditions. 


Terms of Reference:

1. Staging

Light and sound scaffolding, stage platform, stage backdrops (design to be provided), and set dressing (chairs and small table) for 1 x large (approx. 7m x 3m) and one small (approx. 3m x 2m) stage. 


2. Event lighting, sound, and audiovisual equipment

Lighting and sound for main stage and side stage for up to 5 panelists. 

Internal broadcast to screens in venue and livestream to UNFPA’s Facebook Page. 


3. Standard event booths

Small event booths with table w/ black tablecloth + 2 chairs per booth. 


4. Event booth set design elements

This item is for specific installations at select booths:

Menstrual hygiene space: 1 x 2x2m red carpet 

Midwifery space: 1 x 4mx2m orange carpet for front of midwifery space

"We've got you covered" condom advocacy booth: Scaffolding for 20 x umbrellas (provided by UNFPA) to form roof of condom education booth

Mental health booth:

  • 1 x 5x5m purple carpet with 10 x small orange pillows
  • 1 x white wall (sheet) for film projection
  • 2 x black material walls and 1 UN blue or plain black curtain that can be pulled aside at front of booth (so that the space can be made dark for film screening and be open for other activities) 
  • 10m fairy lights (preferably with battery power for ease of use)


5. Volunteer transport

1 x bus to transport approximately 40 volunteers from central locations to the event space and returning. Volunteers will be divided into shifts, with 20 serving from 9am to 1pm, and 20 serving from 12pm to 4pm. Transport should be coordinated accordingly. 

Note: Volunteers will be recruited by UNFPA with specific drop-off and pick-up points agreed ahead of event. 


4. Volunteer meals

100 x lunches for event volunteers (approx. 40) and Condomise! education and arts team (approx. 50). This should be served in two batches to enable a consistent presence of volunteers through the event space. Lunch should be available in a separate space in the venue to ensure volunteers can eat their lunch without disruptions. 


5. Volunteer t-shirts

20 x medium and 20 x large t-shirts with design TBD (design will have event logo which will be finalised once all partners are confirmed). Colour will be light blue or orange. 


Questions regarding the requirements must be submitted to Rachel Donovan (donovan@unfpa.org) before COB 15 May 2023. 

Quotations must be submitted to the UNFPA Procurement Officer (png-procurement@unfpa.org) before 3pm on 18 May 2023. When submitting quotations, please specify any relevant payment terms, understanding that UNFPA is not able to pay more than 50% before the delivery of the required services.